1997 - 2007

bORN 1995
bORN 1995

In the year 1995 some Luxembourg’s teenage guys founded a Rock-Band called bORN.
Influenced by many other Rock-Bands, bORN tried to combine the heavy and the soft side of Rock-Music. Nevertheless they had to suffer from a few member changes during the last years.

Rock um Knuedler 2000
Rock um Knuedler 2000

bORN played a huge number of gigs at many places in Luxembourg. One of the most curious events was a concert at the “ Gare Centrale ” in Luxembourg city. 
Maybe the greatest success of the band was in the year 2000 when they reached the final at Emergenza 2000. In the summer of 2000 bORN played at “ Rock um Knuedler ”.

bORN & Therapy
bORN & Therapy

2002 was surely the most interesting period of time for the band. Although it was a year without any concert bORN tried to put their energy in the recording of their third album called
“Ready for the fall”. The band wanted to avoid the pressure, which they got to know from the two previous CDs. It was definitely not in the bands interest to record nine tracks in two or three days, only to notice that the final result is much far away from what they expected.

bORN & Oomph
bORN & Oomph

bORN finally finished the album at the end of 2002. “Ready for the fall” which is also the name of the first track stands for: “To be prepared for the dark side of life or to be prepared for a new challenge”. Especially the meaning of “a new challenge” can be seen as the production of the album, which was indeed a new challenge.
From the recording up to the design of the cover bORN was involved in everything. In addition to the album a video clip of “Ready for the fall” was shot by a friend of the band. After a year of great shows, a lot of festivals and supporting act for the legendary ZZ Top, bORN worked on new tracks. In 2004, the band writes and produced nine brand new songs.

bORN decided to call the new album ‘My wasted time’ due to the fact that the band needed a lot of time, energy to put the songs together on an album . 2005 will be the ‘Wasted time’ year, with new concerts, festivals. After more than teen years, the band will go separate ways.



Chris Jeanpaul: vocals, guitar / Joe Block: vocals / Fred Molitor: guitar / Armi Kopczinski: bass /  Greg MNolitor & Claude Marx: drums / Serge: Keyboards /



Silence (1998)

The same old story (1999)

Ready for the fall (2003)

My wasted time (2005)

10 years of bORN "DVD"